We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
This is a plan for a Christmas assembly on the Annunciation (when Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel), with a focus on promises and trust. There is an attached PowerPoint with the assembly starter and the story of the Annunciation. The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute!
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. So this assembly involves the children discussing promises made by various people in their lives before listening to the story and again discussing. There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences and to feedback. There is also an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
All resources needed for the assembly are included. They are in the zip file. These are:
4 page PDF assembly plan
24 slide animated PowerPoint (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
No further preparation needed.
A version of the PowerPoint is also available separately:
You might also be interested in our KS1 and KS2 lessons on the Annunciation:
This is a presentation on Mother Teresa (Saint Teresa of Calcutta).
The presentation covers Mother Teresa’s early life, becoming a nun, her work with the poor and sick in India, her achievements and legacy and a selection of her quotes. The last part of the presentation includes some interesting questions to provoke discussion.
Use this as part of a lesson or for an assembly for ages 5 - 11.
A selection of 6 presentations and an assembly, perfect for using during Black History Month.
The slideshows cover prominent figures who have had a variety of roles in history.
Included are:
Benjamin Zephaniah
Mary Seacole
Mo Farah
Nelson Mandela
Rosa Parks
Serena Williams
The assembly is designed to be used as an introduction to Black History Month. It is a 16 page presentation and accompanying plan and covers prehistory, ancient civilizations, 18th and 19th century Britain and an introduction to the figures mentioned above.
A great pack for introducing the topic of black history to KS2, KS3 or KS4.
This is a plan for a Christmas assembly on the birth of Jesus, with a focus on journeys and refugees. There is an attached PowerPoint with the story and relevant facts for the assembly. The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute!
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. So this assembly involves discussions and chances for the children to be involved. There is a lot of opportunity for the children to think about their own experiences, current events and to feedback. There is also an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
All the resources needed are included in the zip file:
4 page PDF assembly plan
27 slide animated PowerPoint presentation (This is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.)
No further preparation needed.
The PowerPoint story is also available separately:
You might also be interested in our KS1 and KS2 lessons on the birth of Jesus:
This resource is a plan for a lesson about The Last Supper, suitable for using with Key Stage 2. The 4 page pdf plan includes a starter, a main drama activity, a written activity and a plenary drama activity. There is a 21 Slide animated PowerPoint presentation of the story of The Last Supper to use to introduce the lesson and a document with Da Vinci's painting, around which the writing activity is based. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click 'Read Only' to open.
A fun, interactive lesson.
A version of the PowerPoint is also available separately:
You might also be interested in the KS1 Last Supper Lesson Plan and Last Supper Assembly:
This is a plan for an assembly on sharing based around the story of Goldilocks. It is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute!
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. This assembly involves lots of child input to help you retell the traditional story of Goldilocks. It then links the story to a school scenario. When I used this assembly, children were completely engaged and involved the whole time as they are so familiar with the tale. This plan also includes an example reflection to finish with.
This is a presentation on the first black South African president, Nelson Mandela.
Use it as part of a lesson or for an assembly for KS2, KS3 or KS4.
The presentation covers South Africa in the 20th century, Mandela’s childhood, his education, career, imprisonment and becoming president. The last part of the presentation includes some inspirational quotes and some interesting questions to provoke discussion or for further exploration.
This bundle contains 3 presentations about harvest, perfect for using in assemblies, RE lessons or history lessons.
The 3 presentations are:
What is harvest?
Harvest around the world
Harvest Festival Presentation
An animated 20 page PowerPoint presentation explaining what harvest is, when it takes place around the world, its history in Britain and how it is celebrated today. Each slide has a short piece of explanatory text accompanied by a picture or several pictures. The presentation is not editable. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open.
Harvest Around the World Presentation
An animated 21 page PowerPoint presentation that describes harvest celebrations around the world. It covers Thanksgiving in the USA, rice festivals in Asia, the Jewish festival of Sukkot, the fruit festival in Thailand, the moon festival of harvest in China and the yam festival in Ghana. The PowerPoint is non-editable. (Click ‘Read Only’ to open.)
Thanksgiving PowerPoint Presentation
A 21 slide animated PowerPoint presentation on Thanksgiving for a non-American audience. The PowerPoint describes the history of Thanksgiving, the first Thanksgiving and modern traditions. The PowerPoint is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is run as a slideshow.
Versions of these PowerPoints are also available with our KS2 Harvest Unit:
An animated 22 page Powerpoint presentation retelling the first part of the Christmas story, when Angel Gabriel visits Mary (the annunciation). It could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11. The PowerPoint is not editable (Please click ‘Read only’ to open.) Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.
You can also buy the PowerPoint with our KS1 and KS2 lesson plans and assembly on Angel Gabriel visiting Mary:
Christmas RE lesson - Angel Gabriel Visits Mary - KS1
Christmas lesson - Angel Gabriel Visits Mary - KS2
Christmas assembly : The Annunciation
You might also be interested in our presentations that cover the whole Christmas story:
Christmas Story Presentation Pack
A pack of four animated PowerPoint presentations (89 slides) retelling the Christmas story. They are suitable for using as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11.
The story is split into the following parts:
Angel Gabriel visits Mary
An animated 22 page Powerpoint presentation retelling the first part of the Christmas story, when Angel Gabriel visits Mary (the annunciation).
Jesus is born
An animated 24 page PowerPoint presentation retelling the main part of the Christmas story, when Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem and Jesus is born.
The shepherds visit the baby Jesus
An animated 21 page PowerPoint presentation retelling the part of the Christmas story when the shepherds visit baby Jesus.
The Wise Men visit Jesus
An animated 22 page PowerPoint presentation retelling the end of the Christmas story when the Wise Men visit baby Jesus.
The PowerPoints are not editable (Please click ‘Read only’ to open.) Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoints are played as slideshows with the animations.
No further preparation needed.
Versions of the PowerPoints are also included with our KS1 and KS2 lessons on the Christmas story:
An animated 25 page presentation retelling the story of Jesus calming the storm. This is one of Jesus’s miracles.
The PowerPoint is not editable. It is in the zip file. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images only appear when the presentation is played as a slideshow with the animations.
It could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11.
This PowerPoint is included in our KS1 and KS2 plans:
A set of four interactive PowerPoint Advent Calendars to use throughout the month of December with your year 1 class.
The four Advent Calendars included in the bundle are:
Phonics phase 3
Phonics phase 5
Maths problems
A great start to the Christmas season, which will get your whole class involved.
6th February 2018 marked 100 years since women over 30 were given the vote in Britain. This presentation was created to celebrate this historic anniversary but can be used at any time to teach children about the suffragettes and the Bill in Parliament that allowed women to vote.
This resource is a 22 slide detailed, editable PowerPoint, perfect for teaching your children about this important topic. The slideshow covers women's rights prior to suffrage, the actions of the suffragettes, the arguments on either side, a detailed look at five particular suffragists, women during the war, the Act in Parliament, women in the 20th century and suffrage around the world. It concludes with some questions for further conversation.
It is suitable for using with KS2 children and could be used for an assembly, a filler or a lesson introduction.
I hope you enjoy teaching about this historic event!
(Please note: This PowerPoint is adapted from the secondary school version to make it appropriate for primary aged children.)
This is a presentation on the nurse, Mary Seacole.
Use it as part of a lesson or for an assembly for KS1, KS2 or KS3.
The presentation covers her childhood, her first adventures around the world, her experiences in the Crimean war and her legacy. The last part of the presentation includes some interesting questions to provoke discussion.
An inspirational nurse, who would be perfect to study during Black History Month.
A slightly altered version of this presentation is also included as part of the Year 2 five lesson Literacy Unit:
A 19 page animated PowerPoint presentation retelling the story of Jesus being arrested in The Garden of Gethsemane. It could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11. The presentation is non-editable. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open. Please note that some of the images are only revealed when the presentation is run as a slideshow with the animations.
This is a presentation on the suffragist, Millicent Fawcett, who was chosen as the first female to have a statue in Parliament Square.
Use it as part of a lesson or for an assembly for KS1, KS2 or KS3.
Please note there are no photos of Millicent Fawcett included, owing to copyright restrictions.
The presentation covers Fawcett's childhood, early political involvement and the successful suffrage movement. The last part of the presentation includes some interesting questions to provoke discussion or for further exploration.
An animated 22 slide presentation retelling the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This is one of Jesus’s miracles. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open it. Some of the images are only revealed when the presentation is played as a slideshow with the animations. This could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11.
This PowerPoint is included with our KS2 lesson:
A set of six presentations telling the stories of six of Jesus’ miracles.
Perfect for using for an assembly or an RE lesson.
The stories included are:
Jesus heals a blind man
Jesus heals a paralysed man
Jesus raises a man from the dead
Jesus heals a sick man - the centurion’s servant
Jesus calms the storm
Jesus feeds the 5000
In total there are 135 animated PowerPoint slides. The PowerPoints are not editable. Please click ‘Read Only’ to open them. Some of the images only appear when the presentations are played as slideshows with the animations.
These PowerPoints are also included in our KS1 and KS2 lessons:
A 21 page presentation describing the traditions of Christmas in Germany. It covers Christmas markets, decorations, food and Christmas trees. Each slide has a short piece of text accompanied by a picture.
It could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11.
Keep your year 2s busy throughout December with this collection of comprehensions, maths activities, SPaG activities, and interactive advent calendars, all with a Christmas theme. Worth nearly £50 if bought individually!
Included in the bundle are:
Christmas Maths Problems
Christmas SPaG packs x 2
Comprehensions x 9
Interactive Advent calendars x 2 - maths, jokes
Interactive Christmas Quiz
General KS1 Activity Booklet
All resources also available individually or as part of a smaller bundle.